Friday, April 18, 2014

Mountaintop Good Friday Communion Service

Tonight Mountaintop will begin Easter weekend with a Good Friday Communion Service at 7:00 pm.  We will focus on the Cross of Christ and the victory that Jesus achieved through His sacrifice.  

In his book Following Jesus, N.T. Wright offers these thoughts about the cross:

The cross is the decisive royal act; Jesus on the cross is Jesus the son of David, the King of the Jews. 

The cross is the decisive saving act; this is how he is saving his people from sin.  The cross is the moment when the monsters finally close in on the Son of Man; the forces of evil vent their wrath on him, pour it all out until there is none left. 

The cross is the defeat of evil.  But the cross is also the work of Emmanuel, God-with-us; and it is therefore also the victory, the victory in which the Son of Man bears the saving purposes of the Father through his atoning death and out into the new day of the resurrection. 

The cross is the great divine act.  The cross and the resurrection thus establish the kingdom of the Son of Man.  The powers, the great monsters, seemed to be winning the victory; but the cross and the resurrection show that all authority has now been committed to Jesus.  There is no corner of the created universe over which Jesus does not claim right of sovereignty.  [And] we are to be his agents, his ambassadors, in bringing the word of his kingdom to his subjects. 

In the Kingdom of the Son of Man, the power that counts is the power of love. 

I hope that you will join us tonight at 7:00 for a Good Friday Communion Service as we celebrate the love that gave and gives life.

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